Worthwhile named No. 3 Place to Work in South Carolina

Worthwhile earned inclusion on the Best Places to Work list compiled by the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce.

Worthwhile was honored to be named the No. 3 small/medium-sized business in South Carolina in 2018 by the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce.

The award was based on a survey of employees. In the announcement, the committee cited how "Worthwhile has done the long, hard, and un-sexy work of building a healthy culture. More than just perks, snacks, and great benefits, Worthwhilers consider their co-workers their greatest benefit. By living out Worthwhile's 19 specific values-based behaviors, each employee knows what to expect from others. Add to that constant celebrations for finished projects and matching PTO for volunteer activities, and it's clear this is a worthwhile place to work."

This was Worthwhile's first year on the list, which has been around for 13 years. Among qualifying companies, we placed No. 3 out of 49 similarly sized companies on the list. It's great company that includes some of South Carolina's best companies as well as many companies that we do business with either as clients or vendors.

We're excited for this recognition, because it points to the great work our team does with and for each other. We know that being a great place to work helps us provide real business value to our clients.

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