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At Worthwhile we bring powerful, practical software solutions to life.

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Who's on the Other Side?


Nick Marcie, Business Development Manager
Nick is equally skilled at pre-emptive problem-solving and providing a good laugh along the way. Whether you’re an existing client or looking to explore your Big Idea, Nick is your go-to strategy partner and the comedic relief you didn’t know you needed.


Justin Sardinha, Strategic Account Manager
Justin is your solutions-focused strategic expert, dedicated to putting your business ahead of the competition. He’ll kickstart your digital transformation journey, and he never says no to meeting over a beverage at one of many of his favorite local hangouts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to get a response?

Typically no longer than 1 business day.

I am a current client. Is this the best way to contact you?

You can certainly reach out this way, but for a more immediate and direct response to your issue, you should fill out our support form instead. This is regularly monitored and you are guaranteed to receive a response.

What does your process look like?

After one of our advisors takes the time to listen to your needs and concerns, they’ll be happy to help you decide on the immediate next steps and guide you through them.

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