Introducing Geo-Bound for Particle

Worthwhile is releasing Geo-Bound, which allows Particle components to store GPS location data and then send it when it reconnects to a cellular network.

Here at Worthwhile, we're committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation to help our clients. And we're also big supporters of the open-source software development community.

So when we create something new that others might be able to use, we look to share it. And that's what we're doing with Geo-Bound for Particle.

If you're not familiar, Particle is a leading provide of Internet of Things solutions. It's attractive to developers because it comes pre-packaged an all-in-one solution that connects hardware to a management platform.

We're using Particle to help a group of forestry industry non-profits improve efficiency. And part of building this solution was building an add-on to Particle to record and save GPS location data and then send it when the Particle component returns into cell service range.

Now we're releasing Geo-Bound on Github so that others can use it. If you're using Particle for GPS tracking, check it out and see if it can help you build your solution.

We hope that, like our Django Herald project, developers near and far will use this to advance the possibilities of what Particle can do.

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