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that matter.

Choosing the Right Software Solution: Build Vs. Buy

If you’re ready to upgrade your enterprise software or applications, one of the first questions on your list probably sounds something like this: “should we build the software or buy it from a vendor?” But that’s really not the right question to ask these days.

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Navigating the Modernization of Legacy Applications

When was the last time your laptop or smartphone prompted you to install an update? For most of us, it’s on a daily basis. Why? Because today, technology becomes obsolete at lightning speed. Last year’s functionality can’t keep up with today’s consumer expectations.

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The Tyranny of the Table: Why Data Management Needs a Different Approach

Over the past decade, we’ve seen an explosion of data that has transformed the way we do business. Companies have data pouring in from dozens of different sources, and that data is tracking customer behavior, purchasing decisions, email interactions, website activity, product preferences, and much more. To gain valuable insights from that data, we need a way to store it efficiently, access it when we need it, and interact with it.

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