3 Keys to Managing Data from Telematics Solutions

Telematics usage is exploding in logistics and heavy industry and beyond. But to truly benefit, your company needs a plan to manage and analyze all the data telematics solutions provide.

16 Ways Predictive Analytics Boost Profit and Keep Customers Happy

Predictive analytics can unlock major benefits for your business. Here are 16 ways that your company can benefit by increasing profits and customer satisfaction.

How Particle.io Can Power Your Industry 4.0 or IoT Project

If your company is looking to start an Industry 4.0 or Internet of Things project, then you need to know about Particle.io. Here’s what you need to know to determine whether Particle.io should power your IoT or IIoT initiative.

How (and Why) Predictive Analytics Will Change the Way You Do Business

Predictive analytics can be a powerful tool for your business. Here are several areas where analytics give you possibilities, and three things you need to make it work.

4 Ways a Little Software Augmentation Can Go a Long Way for Your Business

Intimidated by the cost and time of a software overhaul? There’s good news—a small bit of software augmentation can make a big difference in your business.

The basics about open source software licenses

Before you build an open source software project, you need to understand the various license options available. This post describes the big distinctions to point you to the right decision.

Everything You Need to Know about Sunsetting Software

Every piece of software is eventually sunset and taken offline. This post will help your business know when, how, and why it makes sense to sunset part of your software stack.

The Value of Transformational Software Projects: A Case Study

One of our clients tells the story of how software upgrades have benefited his business.

7 Software Tools That Will ​Cut ​Costs ​for ​Your ​Small ​Business​

From Freshbooks to Dropbox to Slack, here are 7 software tools that can help your business like they have helped ours.

Five Reasons to Update Your Software Technology

A guide on how to calculate ROI on a project of updating the software for your web app, portal, ERP, or website.