Names have been changed, IPs have been protected, industries have been swapped, but the story is real:
Q2 of 2020 was a once-in-a-lifetime boon for certain businesses. Some of them have since drifted back to “normal” profit levels but others, like Aprendo, have continued to climb.
Aprendo is an online learning platform that specializes in teaching Spanish to native English speakers with an emphasis on how to navigate bilingual business transactions. When the world shut down, the need to conduct business online skyrocketed while the availability for in-person translation disappeared. Aprendo saw a >300% increase in monthly active users from March to June of 2020.
The Problem:
Despite the massive surge in new users, Aprendo did not see a corresponding increase in program completion rates and didn’t have any data to tell them why that was.
They were using an unorganized database without a meaningful data dictionary to run their online platform. This resulted from years of neglecting propper data science discipline, and Aprendo’s executive team was forced to view the data in the database as unreliable.
What the Aprendo team needed was an analytical platform that allowed them to research where students were stuck in the program, what they had in common, and how completion rates may increase with strategic interventions.
¡Worthwhile al rescate! (Worthwhile to the rescue)
After some careful organization and defining of the available information, Worthwhile built a brand new data lake, with a well-defined data dictionary, that can support advanced analytics without impacting the performance of their production system. Aprendo was now able to look into student progression and make meaningful adjustments to their programs to improve graduation rates. Their data, once a source of frustration and uncertainty, is now a trusted source of intelligence for the executive team.
Armed with their new data lake, a comprehensive data dictionary to help define the data, and a report dashboard that gives previously disorganized information new meaning, Aprendo is ready for the future. Worthwhile’s strategic approach has empowered Aprendo to find new value in the data that they previously thought was unreliable and put their business model on track to see its most profitable year ever.
How much dinero would you update your reporting system for?