Names have been changed, IPs have been protected, industries have been swapped, but the story is real:

How does that phrase go? ‘As serious as a heart attack’? 

The after effects of a cardiac episode can be dramatic and scary, which is why the good people at HeartHelp have made it their mission to help prevent as many heart attacks as possible. 

How does HeartHelp do it? Good ol’ fashioned data collection. 

HeartHelp focuses on two main groups of people: Those who have previously had heart attacks, and those who are directly related to individuals that have had one. These people voluntarily submit surveys to HeartHelp via an online platform which, over time, yields enough information to help other big-name heart-focused research organizations. HeartHelp doesn’t conduct the research themselves, but the data they’re able to provide to other groups is critical. 

The problem is that since all the data collection is voluntary, it is absolutely imperative that the data must remain organized and correct. 

HeartHelp’s previous survey platform lacked a few important things: 

  1. A modern app infrastructure that was able to scale as needed
  2. Quality testing to assure that the platform functions correctly 
  3. The ability to automatically request follow-up surveys 
  4. The ability to run data analytics 

They were serious (as heart attacks) about improving the platform so that more accurate data could be collected in the name of research and prevention. 

We were serious, too. 

So far, Worthwhile has diligently worked our way through the first two key points: 

The end of the road is far away, but HeartHelp is miles beyond where they were last year. Our team has already begun working on the next phase. This includes the ability to update old data from previous respondents as they volunteer new information. 

Each step our teams take together is a step toward healthier hearts, stronger bodies, and cleaner data. Which are all very important things, really. 

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